Daily Archives: November 24, 2011

Now&Then: Cooking

Lately I have been thinking about how much my life has changed since I moved to Denmark and I decided to share this with you. Consequently, I will have a likely short series of posts entitled Now&Then. Today I will talk about cooking.

When I was in Romania I took my bachelor in Bucharest, only 100km away from my family. All those year I spent there (4 in total), I lived in an apartment with my big brother. I don’t know if it was just our laziness and/or my parents’ refusal to acknowledge that we grew up, but we received food from home every week. It was very convenient for us as we had home made food and one worry less. During summertime they took a break. Sometimes they were saying that my mum got tired cooking for four, but they would always start sending food again when the colder weather came round. It seemed like the only reason why they were taking these breaks was that the food risked going bad while travelling by train to us in the summer.

So when I was at home I didn’t have to cook. Once I arrived in Denmark, things drastically changed: my parents couldn’t send me food 2000km away, and so I had to start preparing my own food. To be fair this wasn’t the main reason for me starting to cook as in the short period I lived in the dorm I ended up having yoghurt with pomelo for dinner. Jesper and his family had a major influence. They simply adore good food and love cooking it, which motived me to try things too. I think also the fact that I was lacking the Romanian food my mum and grandma make, made me wish to learn the recipes I miss so much from home.

I know that my cooking skills are far from perfect and there is a lot of room for improvement, but I also know that I got much better than I was two years ago. I tried various Romanian recipes, I made pasta (from scratch) and sometimes I even invented my own recipes (nothing major though). So here’s some photos of my cooking.

Ciorbă de perișoare (Romanian meatball soup)

Chec (Romanian cake)

Romanian spinach dish

Romanian plums cake

Adaptation of Romanian stuffed bell peppers

Romanian meatballs

And some non-Romanian food:


Home made spinach pasta