Daily Archives: November 8, 2011

The Joy of Writing

A long, long time ago, I can still remember…

how I used to write an article…

It has been a very long time since I last talked about my article. To be more precise, 7 months. As you might remember, I attempted to send it to a conference. It was rejected (that is why that topic died) and me and my co-supervisor with whom I’ve been writing it, learned a very valuable lesson on how to sell our work. It was clear that we didn’t manage to get our message through as one of the referees didn’t get it at all and another one got it wrong. We rewrote it with that idea in mind and sent it to a journal instead. At the beginning of September we got the answer: we had one review and the referee said he thought the topic was of interest but that s/he had some minor concerns. Therefore we were asked for a minor revision. We did it and sent it.

I have always hated waiting but it seems that with writing, you have to do it all the time. Oh well, time went by and we finally received the answer yesterday. It looked good, it was basically saying that if we address some very minor comments accordingly, then it’s good to go. The referee we knew about had only two comments: the first one was just a missing word, while the second one was a more general thing, but to answer that we basically have to rephrase one sentence. Now, the problem is that this time we received a second review. A very short one where the referee complained that we didn’t answer his previous comment on missing literature. I say what?!?! Can you see what’s missing here? It seems like during the first round of revision we were one review short. I sent an email to the editor asking for the missing puzzle piece and now I am back to waiting.

It wasn’t easy. But nothing is. No.

Edit: I received an answer from the editor:

Dear Dr. Tataru,
Thank you for your message. Please accept my apologies for not being able to send to you the initial reviewer report of Reviewer 2. It was received 13 September 2011, about two weeks after I have requested the revision from you. As requested, please find below the link to this review.